- Guía Quo Vadis de MarbellaEditoraARTE & ARTESANÍAseptiembre de 2010 - diciembre de 2015 (5 años y 4 meses)Marbella, EspañaProject developed to create a visual guide of Marbella city.I was the entrepreneur, creator and developer of the project,I obtained economical support from the Andalusian regionalgoverment because of its originality in contents and design.Since the beginning of the publication, my role as editorhas also involved me in coordinating graphic designers, salesrepresentatives and designers, sales contacting and organisingproviders for the final printing of the guide.This is a fifth guide (http://www.guiaquovadis.com)and I have produced 5 issues up to date.This guide consists of three sections: Section A: articles ofimportant current issues, such as, ecology and environment,other articles about the history of Marbella and interviews withvarious foreign consuls that live in the Costa del Sol.Section B: city street maps with local trades marked in them.Section C: cultural agenda in the Costa del Sol.
- Comunicación VisualDiseñadora Gráfica FreelanceARTE & ARTESANÍAnoviembre de 2006 - septiembre de 2010 (3 años y 10 meses)Marbella, EspañaDesign and development of several brochures and catalogs:Climate Change (Al Gore)Industrial Carpentry, Architects. Gustavo Loiseau & Asociados (Architects)Corporate image, Advertising, Posters.. Proinsermant from buildind industry they design,installation and maintenance (Marbella, Malaga, España).. Made various advertisements for the company.
- Engel & Volkers Real Estate.Diseñadora GráficaSECTOR INMOBILIARIOnoviembre de 2006 - diciembre de 2007 (1 año y 2 meses)Marbella, España. Image retouching, layout and production of renownsocial magazines, such as: Essential Magazine, CountryLife and Hi Magazine.. Produced various advertisements for various newspapers:El Sur, Sotogrande Newspaper and El Mundo. Designed corporate image for the company. Production of billboards.. Making catalogs for the company and the local areas:Golden Mile, Elviria and Sotogande.
- Degre in Graphic DesignIstituto Europeo di Design (Madrid, España).1996
- London College of PrintingMaster, Typographic Studies2000