Hola! Soy Dani de Julio, ilustrador y muralista.
Realicé estudios de Creación Gráfica Artística y Digital en ESDIP, Diseño Digital en MIAMI AD SCHOOL y Máster de modelado orgánico Zbrush en LIGHTBOX ACADEMY.
He trabajado 3 años como jefe de taller en Boa Mistura, siempre en trabajo de diseño en el estudio o con pintura debajo de las uñas y subido a una grúa, hasta que la llamada del 3D empezó a ser demasiado fuerte y decidiera apostar por mi y empezar a volar solo.
Hi! My name's Dani de Julio and I'm an illustrator and muralist.
I've been following your work for a good while now and am always really keen to see the very latest work that your studio produces.
I've studied Digital & Artistic Graphic Creation and Digital Design at ESDIP and MIAMI AD SCHOOL, both in Madrid, Spain. I've also completed a Masters in Organic Modeling Zbrush at LIGHTBOX ACADEMY, also in Madrid.
I previously worked as Workshop Manager at Boa Mistura, Madrid. In that role I was mainly working in studio design; hands-on work often up on a crane with paint under my fingernails! That was until the calling of the world of 3D got too strong for me to resist and I decided to make the change and to start working for myself.