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Daniel Domínguez Rubio

Desarrollador Full Stack
  • Tarifa aproximada
    200 € /día
  • Experiencia8-15 años
  • Tiempo de respuesta1h
El proyecto se dará por comenzado una vez hayas aceptado el presupuesto de Daniel.
Localización y desplazamiento
Barcelona, CT, España
Trabajo a distancia
Lleva a cabo sus proyectos principalmente en remoto

Código de conducta freelance firmado

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Habilidades profesionales (9)
Daniel en pocas palabras
Fullstack especializado más en front. He realizado migraciones de la parte cliente a aplicaciones isomórficas como Nextjs/gatsby, utilizando React hooks, Context Api, TailwindCSS, CSS in JS, Javascript o Typescript, etc.

Amplia experiencia trabajando para sitios web que requieren SEO, hreflangs, i18n (internacionalización).

Desarrollo backend desde cero (PHP, Nodejs), amplia experiencia en consultas SQL y optimización, indices, etc, incluyendo driver nativo y no solo ORM. Soporte librerías legacy como jQuery, bootstrap y similares. Experiencia en AWS S3, Cloudfront, Cognito. Experiencia con Netlify.

Más info:
  • Panaworld S.L
    Remote Full Stack Developer
    octubre de 2020 - Hoy (4 años y 4 meses)
    As a Full Stack Developer at a SEO-focused company, I am currently responsible for the technical maintenance, bug resolution, and feature development of our intranet platforms and product (end user) websites. Due to the challenges posed by COVID-19 and my academic commitments, I have successfully transitioned to a remote work arrangement, effectively collaborating with team members through GitHub Projects. A key accomplishment in my role includes the modernization of an outdated dynamic website, originally built with PHP, into a highly efficient Jamstack website utilizing Next.js and React. This involved outlining new API backend requirements, fetching RESTful API data via Next.js, and harnessing Incremental Static Regeneration to construct a seamless combination of static pages and server-side rendered pages. Furthermore, I have implemented Next.js i18n, managing eight language domains within the Next.js server, to enhance the site's global accessibility and user experience.
  • Panaworld S.L
    FullStack Developer and Product Management
    febrero de 2013 - mayo de 2018 (5 años y 3 meses)
    Boston, MA 02163, USA
    In my previous role as a Full Stack Web Developer, I not only managed the same technical aspects of the previous role for the product, but was also responsible for product requirements and problems related to SEO. This involved analyzing our performance, monitoring competitors, and identifying opportunities for product improvements and new features. I also ran A/B tests for UX and built MVPs with new features and differents UI, which replaced the worst version. Additionally, I took on additional responsibilities outside of my job description, including building mobile games using Unity3D and C# to enhance our services. Throughout all of these endeavors, I reported directly to the CEO and maintained open communication with all relevant stakeholders.
  • Panaworld S.L
    Full Stack Web Developer
    mayo de 2010 - febrero de 2013 (2 años y 9 meses)
    Boston, MA 02163, USA
    In my role as a Full Stack Web Developer, I specialized in designing, programming, and maintaining code, leveraging PHP for backend and JS for frontend development. My responsibilities included:
    - Developing and maintaining a custom MVC-based framework, which served as the foundation of our business operations.
    - Utilizing JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, Bootstrap, Less, Ajax, and other technologies to craft mobile-first responsive designs.
    - Designing, creating, and managing MySQL databases and API services to support robust web applications.
    - Administering Linux Dedicated Servers and services such as nginx, while efficiently handling the full spectrum of tasks associated with a Full Stack Web Developer role.
Recomendaciones externas
  • Higher Technician in Development of Web Applications, SPAIN
    Institut Joan d'Àustria
    Higher Technician in Development of Web Applications, SPAIN
  • Bachiller
    La pineda
  • Consumer Electronics Technician (Unfinished), Electrical and Electronics Engineering
    IES La Bastida
    Consumer Electronics Technician (Unfinished), Electrical and Electronics Engineering