- IBERIA, L.A.E., S.A. OPERADORA, SOCIEDAD UNIPERSONALCDP Specialist & Data StrategyAGENCIAS DE SUBCONTRATACIÓNfebrero de 2024 - Hoy (9 meses)Madrid, EspañaSpearheaded the implementation of a Customer Data Platform (CDP),integrating multi-channel data to create a unified customer view, driving a 60%increase in audience volume.Developed data-driven strategies that doubled conversion rates on socialmedia platforms and improved key KPIs by 40% in one-to-one channels.Led cross-functional teams to execute business objectives, leveragingthorough data analysis to personalize customer experiences and optimizemarketing campaigns.
- Making Science Group S.AData AnalystAGENCIAS DE SUBCONTRATACIÓNseptiembre de 2022 - Hoy (2 años y 2 meses)Madrid, EspañaLed end-to-end implementation of a Customer DataPlatform (CDP) for a prominent hotel company, unifyingonline and offline data, optimizing marketing strategies, andearning a Google Marketing Award.In my role as Service Lead for a leading national andinternational insurance company, I successfully enabledactivation teams to visualize and activate data for diversestrategies, enhancing overall marketing performance andpromoting data-driven decision-making for variousactivation channels.Utilized advanced data analysis tools, such as GoogleAnalytics, and leveraged visualization tools like LookerStudio to extract valuable insights from complex datasets,contributing to well-informed decisions, service efficiencyimprovements, and business growth.
- Anotec Engineering S.L.Project ManagerAERONÁUTICA & AEROESPACIALseptiembre de 2021 - junio de 2022 (10 meses)Motril, AN, EspañaLed a project to develop a system for measuring air qualityusing drones, demonstrating a proactive approach toinnovation and problem-solving in the context of fleet healthmonitoring.Acquired essential skills and knowledge to successfullyexecute a project in an unfamiliar domain, showcasingadaptability and effectiveness in new environments andsupporting the analytics needs of the organization.Coordinated communication between multiple departments,ensuring seamless collaboration, cross-functional decision-making, and implementation of recommendations.Utilized project management tools like Monday.com andJira to organize and streamline team activities, enhancingproductivity, efficiency, and automation processes.