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Douglas Sequera

Azure & Office 365 Consultant
  • Tarifa aproximada
    280 € /día
  • Experiencia8-15 años
  • Tasa de respuesta61%
  • Tiempo de respuesta24h
El proyecto se dará por comenzado una vez hayas aceptado el presupuesto de Douglas.
Localización y desplazamiento
Madrid, España
Puede trabajar en tus oficinas en
  • Madrid y alrededores (hasta 50 kms)

Código de conducta freelance firmado

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Habilidades profesionales
Habilidades profesionales clave
Douglas en pocas palabras
Digital Workspace Consulting: Office 365 - Azure Services - Team Foundation Service - CI & CD Automation - SharePoint Online - SharePoint OnPremise - Development, Design and Architecture. SPfx, Add-ins Model, JSOM, CSOM.
Also: CI % CD with Jenkins for any kind of applications.
    Processes Automation Consultant
    agosto de 2018 - Hoy (6 años y 6 meses)
    Madrid, Spain

    ▪ To design and implement the development of process automation and collaboration solutions using Microsoft 365 and Power Platform apps.
    ▪ To gather user requirements and develop technical requirements processes automation and collaboration solutions.
    ▪ To document changes to ensure knowledge transfer.
    ▪ To design and create pipelines for CI and CD.
    ▪ To provide 3th level support on process automation and collaboration tools based on SharePoint and O365 apps.
    ▪ MS Teams certified administrator
    ▪ To report, providing information and providing clarification and feedback from/to the product owners and occasionally to the stakeholders. Tools/Technologies: Microsoft 365, PowerPlatform, MS Power Automate, MS Power Apps (Model driven and canvas), MS Power BI, SharePoint Online, MS Teams, MS Project Online, Azure DevOps, Azure Service Apps, Azure Storage Services, Azure Web jobs, Team Foundation Server, Git, Jenkins, C#, PowerShell scripting, JavaScript, JQuery, React UI, SharePoint Add-in model, ASP.Net MVC, SQL Server. Methodology: Agile.
  • DSCCO @ Gemalto
    Senior Collaboration Solutions Consultant
    octubre de 2017 - agosto de 2018 (10 meses)
    Madrid, Spain

    ▪ To analyse, plan and design the development of business solutions.
    ▪ To gather user requirements and develop technical requirements for SharePoint solutions.
    ▪ To document changes to ensure knowledge transfer.
    ▪ To design and create pipelines for CI and CD.
    ▪ To provide 3th level support on SharePoint and O365 Tools and products.
    ▪ To manage communication between involved areas in the process of projects development.
    ▪ To organize requirement gathering sessions.
    ▪ To report, providing information and providing clarification and feedback from/to the product owners and occasionally to the stakeholders. Tools/Technologies: MS Office 365, SharePoint Online, SharePoint 2016, SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010, MS Teams, MS Project Online, MS Teams, MS Flow, Azure DevOps, Azure Service Apps, Azure Storage Services, Azure Web jobs, Team Foundation Server, Git, Jenkins, C#, Methodology: Waterfall
  • DSCCO @ Schindler, S.A. (Spain)
    Senior Sharepoint Developer
    marzo de 2017 - octubre de 2017 (7 meses)

    ▪ To analyse, plan and design the development of business solutions.
    ▪ To analyse and develop technical requirements for SharePoint solutions.
    ▪ To document changes to ensure knowledge transfer.
    ▪ To design and create pipelines for CI and CD.
    ▪ To provide 3th level support on SharePoint and O365 apps.
    ▪ To manage communication between involved areas in the process of projects development.
    ▪ To report, providing information and providing clarification and feedback from/to the product owners and occasionally to the stakeholders.
    ▪ To coordinate tasks assignment, manage relation with internal and / or external resources. Tools/Technologies: SharePoint Online, SharePoint 2016, MS Office 365 Groups, MS Teams, MS Flow, Azure DevOps, Azure Service Apps, Azure Storage Services, Azure Web jobs, Azure Logic Apps, Azure Sendgrid, Visual Studio Team Services, Git, C#, PowerShell scripting, JavaScript, JQuery, Fabric UI, SharePoint Add in model, SPfx, ASP.Net MVC, SQL Server, Entity Framework. Methodology: Agile.
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