- THE OLYMPIC CHANNEL, SPAiNData ScientistPRENSA & MEDIOSoctubre de 2019 - Hoy (5 años y 2 meses)Madrid, España•Real Time and Anomaly detection: Led and developed a near real time tool to detect anomalies and pro‑ jections of sport events based on AWS OpenSearch and visualised with Grafana using a RCF (Random Cut Forest) approach.•Forecasting: Led and developed a time series ‑ Random Forest ‑ model to predict the organic trafic during Winter Olympic Sports in Beijing 2022 to inform marketing and content decisions during Games times using AWS Sagemaker.•Natural Language Processing: Developed KeyBERT and YAKE models to improve content tagging. Output of the model improved, on average, a 45% of the existing tags.•Personalisation: Developed cloud based ML models ‑ XGBoost ‑ in AWS to improve fan engagement by en‑ hancing experience through personalized content leading to a 10% increase of trafic on Olympics.com during the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.•Experimentation: Designed and implemented experimentation frameworks (A/B testing) to evaluate busi‑ ness strategies from editorial product and marketing departments.•Business insights: Promoted commercial and business partnerships optimizing their digital strategy using data solutions regarding ads, managed through GoogleAd Manager, and branded content identified through the design of UTM. This has resulted in a renewal of the contracts with most partners.•Content analytics: Informed the Olympic social strategy analyzing editorial and social media data. Very focused on examining web userjourney and life time value consuming written content and evolution of cohorts over time.•Data architecture: Design of data models, implementing and scalating data pipelines from the data lake. Main processes included the creation of materialized views, UDFs and the definition of ETLs through AWS Lambda and AWS Glue services.
- Newcastle UniversityData Scientist and ResearcherSECTOR MÉDICOenero de 2013 - septiembre de 2019 (6 años y 8 meses)United Kingdom•Causal inference: Developed statistical and econometric models based on panel data and quasi‑experimental methods ‑ IV, Dif in Dif, Fixed Efects ‑ to address business and public policy questions aimed at the deter‑ mining the driving mechanisms.•Web Scrapping and TextAnalytics: Web‑scrapped online reviews of care homes and applied NLP methods ‑ Topic modelling and Sentiment Analysis ‑ to provide business insights. Accessed, wrangled and analyzed big administrative microdatasets with millions of property transactions.•Geocomputing: Investigated and visualized spatial distributions of multiple units of analysis (care homes, restaurants, hospitals, individuals…) using GIS•Principal Investigator: Managed a three‑month research project that involved planning objectives, hiring and supervision of ajunior researcher, meeting deadlines and deliver outcomes.•Funding: Awarded with a PhD studentship (~ £67K for 3 years) from the Economic Social Research Council and a NIHR Research Methods Fellowship (~ £54K for 2 years) from the National Institute of Health Research. Lecturer•Lecturer: Postgraduate econometrics (Time Series and Panel Data) and undergraduate microeconomics.•Training: Designed and delivered technical workshops in statistics and data science in R to staf from New‑ castle and Durham universities.
- FuncasEconomic Research ConsultantBANCA & SEGUROSnoviembre de 2011 - diciembre de 2012 (1 año y 1 mes)Spain•Business Research: Provided advice and intelligence on Spanish and European financial regulation to mem‑ bers of the Advisory Board.
- Doctor of PhilosophyNewcastle University2019PhD in Economics
- Visiting studentIESEG and EDHEC Business School2007Visiting student