- LoccusSoftware EngineerEDICIÓN DE SOFTWAREabril de 2023 - Hoy (1 año y 10 meses)Madrid, España
- GantaBiSoftware DeveloperEDICIÓN DE SOFTWAREabril de 2023 - marzo de 2024 (11 meses)Madrid, EspañaI am developing the DooFinder platform. This platform helps companies use the search engine on the client's device (phones, computers) and analyze what clients are looking for. I'm working on the administrative and payment part.Achievements:
- Solved the client's problems by communicating with them through the support service.
- Added the ability of the company to manage the purchased packages of the client, through the administrative panel.
- Completely changed the UI/UX of the administrative panel. This helped facilitate customer interactions. And simplify the development of components.
- FactumSenior DeveloperEDICIÓN DE SOFTWAREagosto de 2022 - febrero de 2023 (6 meses)Madrid, EspañaI was developing the CyberGuardian platform. This platform provides the security of other companies.- Created email sending using templates and multilanguage.- Designed and created new infrastructure to execute scanners and get scoring report using Microservices, Serverless and Message Queue.- Created a CLI to communicate with the admin API.
- DAM - Desarollo de Aplicaciones MultiplataformaIFP - Innovación en Formación Profesional