- IBMGestión de ProyectoHIGH TECHnoviembre de 2005 - febrero de 2008 (2 años y 4 meses)Santiago de Chile, ChileProject manager for corrective and evolutive maintenance of Oracle Siebel Teller solution (implemented in three banks - Banco de Chile, Banco de Credito e Inversiones, Servipag); Factory Testing and Software Factory for Servipag core systems. Annual revenue: 4,5M USD, resources managed: 90.IBM Programme Manager for the implementation of Oracle Siebel Teller (world class solution for cashier channel), a joint project between three banks (Banco de Chile, Banco de Credito e Inversiones, Servipag), conforming a project team between two main suppliers (Oracle / IBM) and multicultural (Ireland, Australia, India, USA, Canada, Latin America). +12M USD total contract value, +70 resources.
- IBMAccount Manger, Project ExecutiveHIGH TECHenero de 2008 - febrero de 2010 (2 años y 2 meses)Santiago de Chile, ChileAccount Manager for 4 major accounts in Chile (Banco de Credito e Inversiones, Servipag, Corpbanca, Caja de Compensación Los Heroes), managing customer relationship, identifing customer wants and needs, designing solutions, opportunity management, financial management of the accounts, been responsible of each project in the account, leading Project Managers, managing stakeholders relationship. Achivements: +12M USD in annual revenue, + 150 FTE managed, + 30M USD in pipe generation.
- IBMBusiness Solution ProfessionalHIGH TECHenero de 2010 - enero de 2012 (1 año y 12 meses)Santiago de Chile, ChileIn selected top accounts (Banking Sector), I expand the IBM business (XaaS, HW, SW, Services) identifying new opportunities and generating more than 20M USD in pipe (close deal rate of 2/10).
- Ingeniero Industrial / Industrial EngineeringUniversidad de la República - Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo, Uruguay1994Titulado en Ingeniero Industrial.