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¡Bienvenido al perfil Malt de Marco !

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Marco Martín Gallego

Product Innovation | Service Designer | Coach
2 proyectos
  • Tarifa aproximada
    300 € /día
  • Experiencia3-7 años
  • Tasa de respuesta85%
  • Tiempo de respuesta12h
El proyecto se dará por comenzado una vez hayas aceptado el presupuesto de Marco.
Localización y desplazamiento
Madrid, España
Puede trabajar en tus oficinas en
  • Madrid y alrededores (hasta 50 kms)
  • Barcelona y alrededores (hasta 100 kms)
  • Valencia y alrededores (hasta 100 kms)
  • Bilbao y alrededores (hasta 100 kms)
  • Sevilla y alrededores (hasta 100 kms)

Código de conducta freelance firmado

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Habilidades profesionales (17)
Marco en pocas palabras
Strategic Designer, Product Manager and Career Developer. Expert in Digital and Innovation environments.

Due to my knowledge and experience in psychology and HR, I have developed fundamental skills for UX and Product Management such as research, collaboration, teamwork, communicative and analytical skills and, especially, empathy, being able to understand users' needs and their interactions with products and services. In addition, my experience as a consultant helps me to identify clients' needs to come up with the most efficient solution by meeting their business and technological expectations.

With a strong background in startups, I have meaningful experience leading work teams and recruiting and developing digital talent at an international level.

Agile Methodologies: Scrum, Lean Startup and Kanban.

Main UX Skills: Design & Innovation processes, Design Research & Prototyping, Service Design, Business Design, Strategic Design, Interaction Design, Visual Design, Usability Testing, Design Thinking, Human Centered Design (HCD).

Expertise in managing people: HR Consulting, Training and Development Consulting, Recruitment Consulting, IT and Business Recruitment, Talent Acquisition, Talent Management, Team Leadership and Management, Conflict Resolution, Career Coaching and Development.
  • Iberia
    Product Researcher
    diciembre de 2021 - febrero de 2022 (2 meses)
    Madrid, España
    Design Thinking User Research
  • Iberia
    AI Definition
    octubre de 2021 - octubre de 2021
    Madrid, España
    Design Thinking User Testing User Research
  • Barrabé
    Strategic Designer
    junio de 2021 - Hoy (3 años y 8 meses)
    Madrid, España
    I am in charge of:
    • Innovation projects management.
    • Leading the Discovery & Validation processes.
    • Research and benchmark target markets' potential and competition.
    • Creating "personas", customer journeys, business canvas...
    • Leading the modeling idea by generating concepts of solutions.
    • Designing the prototypes and their functionalities.
    • Performing online and offline user tests.
    • Mapping the results and proposing improvements in the solution.
    Design Thinking User Research Lean startup
2 proyectos Malt
  • Calidad

  • Respeto de los plazos

  • Comunicación

Recomendaciones externas
  • Máster en Digital Product Management
    The Hero Camp
  • Máster en User Experience
    Uxer School
  • Máster en Dirección de Recursos Humanos
    EAE Business School
  • Postgrado en Liderazgo Empresarial
    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Licenciatura en Psicología
    Universidad de Oviedo