- Sigma Industrial PrecisionCTOHIGH TECHjulio de 2017 - Hoy (7 años y 7 meses)Mataró, CT, EspañaDesign, implement, and manage Sigma's cloud and IIoT platform. (Backend and Infrastructure) Predictive maintenance based on electrical parameters monitoring.
- Innovació, Electrònica i Mobilitat S.L. (Innovem)CEOoctubre de 2012 - Hoy (12 años y 4 meses)TecnoCampus Mataró, Mataró, CT, SpainCompany administration and profitability, organizational structure, strategy, and project management. Projects: Biomechanics device analysis (MovMe). Prototype for Electromagnetic Train Motor, Electromagnetic induction research (Spanish patent P201430376), Remote time-lapse image acquisition system.
- RetiaTech SLCOOSECTOR MÉDICOnoviembre de 2015 - noviembre de 2016 (1 año)Mataró, CT, EspañaCompany Technological strategy, and project management. Projects: Biomechanics device analysis (MovMe).
Carles Paul y 1 otra persona recomiendan a Ramon
Sin lugar a dudas es uno de los mejores ingenieros con los que he compartido proyectos.
- Doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering.Universitat Politècnica de CatalunyaDissertation: Machine diagnosis through electrical analysis using artificial intelligence.
- Master's degree in Automation and Control, Automática y RobóticaUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya2015Master's degree in Automation and Control, Automática y Robótica. Dissertation: Implementation of a network for the synchronization and fault diagnosis of the Inverter of a Linear Reluctance Motor.
- Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical EngineeringUniversidad de los Andes (VE)2000Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering. Dissertation: Design and construction of an Inverter to control a Linear Reluctance Motor.
- Angles B1CPimec2022
- PhD Summer SchoolSEEEP, KTH, TU/e2022
- De la Ciència al MercatUniversitat de Barcelona2022