- EALDE Business SchoolTeachermarzo de 2017 - Hoy (7 años y 11 meses)Madrid, Spain• Preparation and delivery of derivative courses and management of interest rates within the Master in Finance• Preparation of material to be used in different topics of the Master on Risk Managament• Evaluation of the topics of Risk System, Risk Management Unit, risk control systems and manuals and procedures for risk management• Some webinars about risk management
- Iniciativas EmpresarialesTeacherjulio de 2021 - Hoy (3 años y 7 meses)Spain
- Headspring, by Financial Times & IE Business SchoolTeacheroctubre de 2016 - abril de 2019 (2 años y 6 meses)Madrid, SpainOnline course tutoring on advice financial services Classes of preparation of blocks I, IV, VI and VII of the courses of information (CISF) and advice financial services (CASF) Resolution of doubts and exercises of the financial services advisory program, with the purpose of helping the students to obtain the certification and information required from the financial system Preparation of tests for students of some modules
- Bachelor of Science in Risk Management and InsuranceUniversidad Pontificia de Salamanca2016Risk Management and insurance Master`s degree
- Certificate, Financial serviceHeadspring, by Financial Times & IE Business School2020Certificate, Financial service
- Financial services advice Certificate, Financial servicesFTIECLA (Financial Times/Instituto Empresa/Corporate Learning Alliance)2018Financial services advice Certificate, Financial services
- Master on Business Administration (MBA), Finance and Strategic PlanningIESA Business School2006Master on Business Administration (MBA), Finance and Strategic Planning
- Business economics specialistUniversidad Católica Andrés Bello1998Business economics specialist