I'm a Mobile App Developer & Freelance Instructor: Android/iOS/Web. My main interest is focused in mobile apps (Data, Educational, Entertainment, Office, etc.)
I'm here to help you!!, I like to study your business objectives and troubles and try to give the best software solution.
I hope an message or email before that I can give you a cost and time estimate.
My programming services include:
- .Net Desktop/Web apps (Visual Basic, C#, SQL, MySql, JavaScript)
- JavaSE, JavaEE (XML, XSL, JSON, JSP, JavaScript)
- iOS native apps (Swift)
- Android native apps (Java, XML, JSON, REST)
- Hourly contracts: (I say you by email or phone)
- Fixed Price projects
TECHNOLOGIES Here you can see a list of applications, languages, and tools I use to help my clients achieve their business goals:
- Java: Eclipse, Netbeans, IntelliJ, Android Studio, Rational Software Architect - RSA.
- Net: Visual Studio 2010, 2012 & 2015.
- VBA: Access, Excel integrated with Rubberduck.
- iOS: xCode 7,8
- GitHub
.NET Programming
- C#/ Visual Basic
- SQL Server/MYSQL
- VBA Access, Excel
- UML, Scrum, Git
Java Programming
- Java SE (JDK, Swing, API & various libraries)
- Java EE (RSA, XML, XSL, JSP, UML, Spring, Oracle)
iOS Programming Swift(xcode)
- UIKit
- CoreData
- MapKit
- API Rest
- Firebase (Authentication, RealTime Database, Storage)
Android Programming Java (Eclipse, Android Studio)
- Material Design
- Google Maps API
- SQLite
- API Rest
- Firebase (Authentication, RealTime Database, Storage)
Web programming with Angular/Ionic Framework (VSCode)
- HTML5, Bootstrap4, Sass (CSS)
- TypeScript (JavaScript)
- Components
- Providers/Services
- Pipes
- API Rest (PostMan, CodeIgniter)
- AngularFire (Authentication, RealTime Database, Storage)
Also, here you can see a list of devices I own:
iPhone 6S, Macbook Pro (Retina Display), Samsung Mobile with Android, PC with Linux & Windows 7-10 installed.