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Robert Rivero

Mobile App Developer & Freelance Instructor
  • Tarifa aproximada
    250 € /día
  • Experiencia8-15 años
  • Tasa de respuesta100%
  • Tiempo de respuestaAlgunos días
El proyecto se dará por comenzado una vez hayas aceptado el presupuesto de Robert.
Localización y desplazamiento
Madrid, España
Puede trabajar en tus oficinas en
  • Madrid y alrededores (hasta 50 kms)
E-mail verificado
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Conjunto de habilidades profesionales (7)
Robert en pocas palabras
I'm a Mobile App Developer & Freelance Instructor: Android/iOS/Web. My main interest is focused in mobile apps (Data, Educational, Entertainment, Office, etc.)

I'm here to help you!!, I like to study your business objectives and troubles and try to give the best software solution.

I hope an message or email before that I can give you a cost and time estimate.


My programming services include:
- .Net Desktop/Web apps (Visual Basic, C#, SQL, MySql, JavaScript)
- JavaSE, JavaEE (XML, XSL, JSON, JSP, JavaScript)
- iOS native apps (Swift)
- Android native apps (Java, XML, JSON, REST)

- Hourly contracts: (I say you by email or phone)
- Fixed Price projects

TECHNOLOGIES Here you can see a list of applications, languages, and tools I use to help my clients achieve their business goals:

- Java: Eclipse, Netbeans, IntelliJ, Android Studio, Rational Software Architect - RSA.
- Net: Visual Studio 2010, 2012 & 2015.
- VBA: Access, Excel integrated with Rubberduck.
- iOS: xCode 7,8
- GitHub

.NET Programming
- C#/ Visual Basic
- SQL Server/MYSQL
- VBA Access, Excel
- UML, Scrum, Git

Java Programming
- Java SE (JDK, Swing, API & various libraries)
- Java EE (RSA, XML, XSL, JSP, UML, Spring, Oracle)

iOS Programming Swift(xcode)
- UIKit
- CoreData
- MapKit
- API Rest
- Firebase (Authentication, RealTime Database, Storage)

Android Programming Java (Eclipse, Android Studio)
- Material Design
- Google Maps API
- SQLite
- API Rest
- Firebase (Authentication, RealTime Database, Storage)

Web programming with Angular/Ionic Framework (VSCode)
- HTML5, Bootstrap4, Sass (CSS)
- TypeScript (JavaScript)
- Components
- Providers/Services
- Pipes
- API Rest (PostMan, CodeIgniter)
- AngularFire (Authentication, RealTime Database, Storage)

Also, here you can see a list of devices I own:
iPhone 6S, Macbook Pro (Retina Display), Samsung Mobile with Android, PC with Linux & Windows 7-10 installed.
  • Optimissa
    Optimissa, Capital Markets Consulting
    febrero de 2017 - Hoy (7 años y 10 meses)
    Madrid, España
    Software Developer for Optimissa, Capital Markets Consulting having as final client to TSB and Bank Sabadell to develop various apps in environment Office 365.

    The main features for project would : Data migration, Data Analysis, BI, Reporting, Database Connection Data warehouse with EUC files, EUC files adaptation for Office 365, Data extract, Convert files to new environment and support.

    Other Projects:
    Java application development for Brokertec/TIBCO to message mapping using API written in C/C++; Conversion Struct C/C++ to XSD-XML.

    Software :
    Java EE (Eclipse, Netbeans), Visual Studio 2016, SQL Server, Oracle 11, Bloomberg, GDW, Office 2016 365, Sharepoint Server.
    Java Microsoft Visual Studio SQL Office 365 Android Oracle XML XSD
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