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Robin De Wit

Online advertising specialist
  • Tarifa aproximada
    160 € /día
  • Experiencia3-7 años
  • Tasa de respuesta100%
  • Tiempo de respuesta1h
El proyecto se dará por comenzado una vez hayas aceptado el presupuesto de Robin.
Localización y desplazamiento
Madrid, España
Puede trabajar en tus oficinas en
  • Madrid y alrededores (hasta 50 kms)
E-mail verificado
Estos freelance también tienen todo lo que estás buscando
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Agatha Frydrych

Backend Java Software Engineer

Baptiste DuhenBD

Baptiste Duhen

Fullstack developer

Amed HamouAH

Amed Hamou

Senior Lead Developer

Audrey ChampionAC

Audrey Champion

Web developer

Habilidades profesionales (4)
  • Next Day Media
    Programatic Adoperations Manager
    febrero de 2016 - Hoy (9 años)
    Ámsterdam, Países Bajos
    As ad-ops task varied from technical to analytical. While managing display, video and native advertising responsibilities included:

    Campaign management:
    - Creative Booking
    - Campaign setup + targeting
    - Optimisation, monitoring and prioritising
    - Client reporting

    - Creation of programmatic deals
    - Deal optimisation + troubleshooting
    - Performance analysis and optimisation
    - Data based sales support
    - RTB optimisation

    Publisher support:
    - Advertising consulting
    - Tag creation + implementation
    - Positioning optimisation
    - Revenue optimisation
    - Troubleshooting

    Business development:
    - Experimenting for process optimisation
    - Exploring new formats
    - Implementation of technologies
    RTB Publicidad de display
Recomendaciones externas
  • Strategic Marketing (MSc)
    London School of Business and Finance LSBF
    A master that develops the advanced knowledge and skills needed to implement, manage and evaluate marketing strategies in today’s globally connected yet volatile economy. Coursed included: - Strategic Marketing - Consumer Behaviour and Research - Integrated Marketing Communications - Internet Marketing Management - Luxury Brand Management - International Marketing
  • Marketing and Psychology (BAH-C)
    University of Chester
    The bachelor degree Marketing and Psychology gave an in-depth understanding of human psychology; how consumers make purchasing decisions; and business relationships can be influenced through Marketing strategies. The course covered a range of modules in both subjects, enabling understanding of how consumers think, feel and make decisions.