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Yessica Gonzalez

Consultora de RRHH / D&I/ Recruiter
1 proyecto
1 recomendación
  • Tarifa aproximada
    150 € /día
  • Experiencia8-15 años
  • Tasa de respuesta100%
  • Tiempo de respuestaAlgunos días
El proyecto se dará por comenzado una vez hayas aceptado el presupuesto de Yessica.
Localización y desplazamiento
Barcelona, España
Puede trabajar en tus oficinas en
  • Barcelona y alrededores (hasta 50 kms)
  • Barcelona y alrededores (hasta kms)
  • Madrid y alrededores (hasta kms)
  • Vigo y alrededores (hasta kms)
  • Palma y alrededores (hasta kms)

Código de conducta freelance firmado

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Estos freelance también tienen todo lo que estás buscando
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Audrey Champion

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Habilidades profesionales
Yessica en pocas palabras
I'm in Talent & Development, making sure it's a human experience!
I am experienced in finding and empowering the right talent for a team and company.
Coach & mentor, promoting Diversity & Inclusion in our world. Especially supporting women to develop and find great opportunities in the tech sector.
Aside from the HR roles I've developed, I started my own project in October 2018, so I'm exploring the challenges and wins of an entrepreneur.
  • Signaturit Solutions S.L.
    Consultora de Diversidad e Inclusión/ D&I Consultant
    marzo de 2020 - marzo de 2020
    Barcelona, España

    The objective of the event is to bring the company together and share different stories and best practices to make sure there's a more inclusive workplace that benefits everyone.

    2 hour-long event structured as follows:
    D&I Talk: about the role of women and their importance in the workplace,
    the challenges for them and for companies to create an inclusive
    environment - includes the presentation of recent data, examples, best
    practices and ideas to implement, video, Trivia game, and Q&A session.

    Round-table: facilitate and interact in the Q&A, initial questions prepared
    to open the conversation, then open mic for the participants to ask their
    Formación Motivación Coaching Gestión del cambio Consultoría Recursos Humanos Diversidad e Inclusión
  • CodeOp
    Head of People
    octubre de 2018 - febrero de 2020 (1 año y 4 meses)
    Barcelona, España
    CodeOp is a coding school for women, and the TGNC folks, we train them to become Full-Stack Engineers in 11 week Bootcamps.

    We are a small team so that means we are hands-on, wear different hats and define the strategy along the way.

    Started as a career coach for the students and then evolved to the Head of People taking care of recruitment, talent development, define training needs, coaching and onboarding. HR operations, employee files, payroll, improving benefits.

    Define the culture and make sure it's included in all our processes. Business development, internal communication with staff and students. Design the recruitment process and interviewing, improve our Employer Branding.
    Reclutamiento Recursos Humanos Coaching Coaching individual Formación Gestión de equipos
  • Typeform
    People Partner & Recruiter
    noviembre de 2016 - junio de 2018 (1 año y 7 meses)
    Barcelona, España
    Recruiting the best talent for the Customer Success team, headcount planning and follow-up, People Partner for the CS team, conducting checkpoints, 1:1s with the team, goals and career path review meetings with the new joiner and the manager, providing follow-up actions to feedback and engagement initiatives.
    Recursos Humanos Reclutamiento Coaching Coaching individual
1 proyecto Malt
  • Calidad

  • Respeto de los plazos

  • Comunicación


Franco-Signaturit Solutions S.L.


Yessica ha dirigido nuestro evento para el día de la mujer en Signaturit, y los resultados fueron sobresalientes. El contenido fue muy interesante y aportó valor a la charla, con ejemplos claros y mostrando diferentes formas de abordar el problema. El público que asistió al evento se mostró muy motivado y participó proactivamente de la charla, para luego dejarnos muy buen feedback de la actividad. Yessica ha liderado toda el evento, mostrando su capacidad para aportar conocimiento y datos relevantes, adaptándose a las necesidades que teníamos como empresa. Sin dudas una experiencia muy gratificante.

1 recomendación externa

Keysa Yanez recomienda a Yessica

Keysa YanezKY
Keysa Yanez
Yessica is committed, enthusiastic, innovative and not afraid to challenge the status quo. 

I had the pleasure of working with her at Typeform where she initially came in to a more generalist role. However, with her dedication and hard work, she quickly escalated to an HRBP role, taking over the Customer Success team that I had been supporting for 2 years and took on more teams shortly after. Yessica swiftly learned and improved quite intricate CS recruitment processes and was always proactive tackling possible employee relations challenges. She was a trusted, capable partner for managers and team members alike.

Yessica excelled at full-cycle recruitment of roles at all bands, from entry-level to C-Suits. She also delved into Diversity & Inclusion and took charge of several company-wide initiatives to educate our team and improve our company culture in this respect.

I would gladly recommend Yessica as a well-rounded HR Professional and know she’ll be a great addition to any team.
  • Coaching Ejecutivo y personal
    Universidad Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
  • Máster en Gerencia de Negocios (MBA)
    Fundesem Business School
  • Licenciada en Relaciones Industriales (RRHH)
    Universidad Católica Andrés Bello