- Rúcula Digital AcademyTalent Manageroctubre de 2022 - Hoy (2 años y 4 meses)Madrid, SpainManaging job opportunities, proposals and career development for professionals who have finished their careers, courses and certifications in Rúcula Academy. Building strong partnerships with both internal stakeholders and candidates in order to meet the staffing needs while providing an high level of service and a positive experience throughout the on-boarding and hiring process. Consistently aiming to deliver a high-touch personalized candidate experience throughout the on-boarding and recruitment process.
- SE RECRUITMENTRecruitment Consultantenero de 2023 - Hoy (2 años y 1 mes)Madrid, Spain- IT Candidates Source - Head hunting for any of our clients needs- Screening CV´s- Interview candidates and propose to the client- Manage pipeline to ensure quick fulfilment
- Cross Border TalentsFreelance Recruiterdiciembre de 2022 - Hoy (2 años y 2 meses)Madrid, SpainInternational Talent Acquisition - BPO Multilingual Team-Headhunting potential candidates through online channels-Candidates screening and preliminary interviews-Propose talent against ongoing client needs and pipeline creation for upcoming demands
Tati Haugaard recomienda a Juan Cruz
Cumple con todo el trabajo de forma rápida y con una excelente calidad.
Lo contacte para la búsqueda de perfiles en Marketing, el se encargaba de localizar el perfil y realizar una primer entrevista. En poco tiempo ya teníamos los candidatos adecuados.
Gracias Juan Cruz por tu profesionalismo.
- Licenciatura, Comunicación SocialUniversidad FASTA2016Licenciatura, Comunicación Social