- CabifyProduct & Brand DesignerTRANSPORTESoctubre de 2016 - Hoy (8 años y 4 meses)Madrid, España- Exploration, development, definition and design of Cabify brand evolution.- Training and monitoring of the brand with local designers.- Application of the brand in different platforms such as Web, commercial Landings and acquisition, new system of modules for email design, etc.- Definition of the style of illustration and application....
- TraityProduct Designer UX / UIHIGH TECHjunio de 2014 - octubre de 2016 (2 años y 5 meses)Madrid, España- Collaborate defining different products understanding the business goals and user needs and build it on real products.- Conduct user tests to observe their behavior.- Define the flow navigation and organize the information, using concept maps, user flows and wireframes.- Build prototypes to test the usability with users.- Design mockups to develop them.- Work with frond-end developers helping them to get the best UI, and check the quality.- Optimize products.- Craft beautiful stuff and visual elements.- Help PMs to understand the user point of view.
Marta B recomienda a Marta
- Diseño de ProductoCasa de los Picos2012