- AutonomaTraductora - Correctora - Redacción de contenidosE-COMMERCEmayo de 2017 - Hoy (7 años y 9 meses)MadridAl contratar una traductora especialista autónoma, se beneficiará de:• Más atención para escuchar sus necesidades• Eficiencia: Debido a que sus ingresos directos y recurrentes dependen de la satisfacción de sus clientes, una traductora autónoma se asegura de entregarle un trabajo de alta calidad.• Comunicación fluida• Nuevas oportunidades para hacer crecer su negocio: acceso a nuevos mercados y clientes en la Francofonía• La transmisión de los valores de su empresa al transmitir su mensaje de manera fiel e impactante.
- CommScopeCustomer Service Representativeenero de 2016 - enero de 2018 (2 años)Région de Madrid, EspagneManaging customer service, sales support, shipping organization for France and Nordic Countries on today's advanced wireless and enterprise cabling solutions.
- GALACTIC EXPORTTranslation / import-export organization (Freelance)abril de 2013 - mayo de 2017 (4 años y 1 mes)I wish to help companies on their administration/logistic organization for import/export operations: from the order to the delivery, leave it to a professional! In the import/export process, let’s outsource the logistics management and concentrate on the commercial and production sides: - A close, qualified, trilingual, unique interlocutor, who is the link with the official international actors (transporters, forwarding agents, customs etc.) - Analyzing the new export market, targets, competitors, and general environment the company is going to work with. - Finding export financing through public and private entities, and file drafting. - International logistics organization: documents, transport, incoterms, customs’ special features… - Maximum flexibility and responsiveness : immediate support and working - A full prepared and controlled budget, according to your development plan. Language trainings (French, Spanish, English) for business or just to increase your level. Technical translations: from English/Spanish to French, and vice-versa. Any type of document. Translations such as products information, e-mails, internet website, commercial documentation...
- ProZCertified PRO Network2020
- ADFWEB Expert2013
- CBEEnterprise Administration2013
- Université de Toulouse-le-Mirail (Toulouse II)Master 22008
- Université d'Artois, ArrasMaster 12007
- Université d'ArtoisLicence LEA Anglais - Espagnol2006
- Lycée Jeanne d'Arc, ArrasBaccalauréat2003