- MothercareGlobal Commercial AnalystGRAN DISTRIBUCIÓNfebrero de 2016 - diciembre de 2017 (1 año y 11 meses)City of London, United Kingdom- Subject-Matter Expert Sourcing | Merchandising Transformation Programme -Represent the Sourcing Division in the Oracle Retail implementation project.Act as the liaison between the programme design team and the business functions, documenting process design and functionalities requirements, ensuring the implementation of standardized and consistent ways of working.Drive the change by supporting the programme reporting and making sure deadlines and milestones are met.Lead in supporting the delivery of Quick Wins solutions, by consulting and communicating with relevant business areas to define requirements to resolve identified issues.
- MothercareGlobal Analyst - SourcingGRAN DISTRIBUCIÓNseptiembre de 2013 - enero de 2016 (2 años y 5 meses)Hong Kong, People's Republic of China- Business Analysis -Co-ordinate, monitor and report on key business metrics to influence and ensure delivery against the business plan, in partnership with the Global Source, Supply Chain teams and Global Analyst (Product) in UK.Analyze past, present, and forecast future business performance across all Sourcing divisions (sales, quality, delivery on time, profit, fulfilment, and stock metrics).Influence decisions by making recommendations to ensure a proactive approach to risk management and lead to a better efficiency.Review and report business KPI to emphasis key business drivers, financial impact of strategic initiatives and competitor information.Work with the IT teams on existing systems and database structures to improve efficiency and accuracy of reports.- Vendor Management -In conjunction with the Sourcing Heads, help to define and monitor the supplier strategy for each country and each product category.Maintain robust controls across a number of key areas to ensure deliverables are aligned to business objectives and budgets.
- Devanlay Lacoste Hong KongTrims and Furniture ManagerGRAN DISTRIBUCIÓNfebrero de 2012 - diciembre de 2012 (11 meses)Hong Kong, People's Republic of ChinaTeam: 7 people, located in Shanghai- Trims Purchasing -Sourcing of trims for the Lacoste garments Asia production.Secure procurement flows and inventory of the Lacoste’s logos.Improve the labels supply by implementing a unique service provider for the region.- Furniture and Point-Of-Sales Materials Asian Sourcing -Sourcing of furniture and Point-Of-Sales (POS) materials.Extend the suppliers panel to increase competition and optimize costs.Ensure the compliance of furniture and POS sales with Lacoste’s standards.Control the quality level to assist the retail excellence achievement.- Asia Licensees Support -Develop a Support Service for the Lacoste Asian Production Licensees.Provide the Lacoste’s styles technical specifications.Define the best procurement solution for their trims and fabrics.Verify the respect of Lacoste’s conditions, in term of quality level, social compliance and Lacoste’s logos inventory.
- MSC in Business Analytics and Big DataIE Business School
- MBAIE Business School
- MSc in Industrial EngineeringIMT Mines Albo-Carmaux2007