Experienced Full-Stack Developer Specialized in JavaScript. Expert in building responsive and user-friendly interfaces with Angular, React, and Vue and back-end applications in NodeJs and firebase. I love my job and I always look for the final product to be satisfactory for the client.
- Master Degree in Web Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid
- Degree in Engineering in telecommunications technologies at the URJC.
- Optimized web apps
- Astro, Hugo, gatsby, 11ty, Nextjs...
- Ionic Apps/Webs with Angular/React/Vue/Stencil
- Firebase, Amplify, Supabase, Nextjs, Netlify...
- Fuzzy search with Elastic Search/Algolia
- Payments with Stripe/Paypal
- Interactive Maps with Mapbox, Googlemaps, Leaflets & Openlayers