- AirbusData Engineer - DeveloperAERONÁUTICA & AEROESPACIALjulio de 2019 - Hoy (5 años y 7 meses)Blagnac, France- Support of ACS team working on artificial intelligence algorithms platform.- Implement Python preprocessors for classifying one billion internal documents for the SFS project.
- P3 GROUPData Engineer - Data Analyst - Full Stack DeveloperAERONÁUTICA & AEROESPACIALnoviembre de 2018 - junio de 2019 (7 meses)Toulouse, FranceDesign, implementation and optimization of data flows, in close collaboration with three data scientists, to feed their predictive models, as part of a mission for Airbus.
- OneRagtimeData Engineer - Data Analyst - Full Stack DeveloperBANCA & SEGUROSmayo de 2017 - febrero de 2019 (1 año y 10 meses)Barcelone, EspagneOneRagtime is the venture platform. It select the most innovative tech start-ups from across Europe and Israel and back them, leveraging our curated community of investors.In its unique VC as a platform model, its investors choose exactly which start-up they’d like to invest in and its take care of the entire process – market analysis, terms negotiation and dedicated vehicle creation. Diversify your portfolio and invest seamlessly!Its exceptional entrepreneurs are supported in their full journey to success through the power of our team and community: from capital to contacts, from experience to operational resources.What’s more, it advise corporates in their digital transformations, unlocking opportunities both for them and its start-ups. Our team: tech-savvy talent and experienced senior execs. Together, it's harnessing the potential of innovation, driven by data, technology and our incredible community!-----What I do for OneRagtime ? Backend Ninja!- Be part of the core OneRagtime backend infrastructure conception, coding & maintenance- Develop asynchronous set of services mainly handling core business logic & data treatments- Be responsible for the global backend robustness, quality and flexibilty- Develop in an Agile, SCRUM & small team environment writing reusable, testable and efficient code- Guarantee each project is consistent & optimized from the conception, coding, testing and documentation- Work closely with our data team as well as development partners and providers- Work together with Marketing, Product & Design teams along project lifetime assuring all features are delivered, and processes are respected and delivered on time- Ad-hoc projects Voir moins
Damien Lopa recomienda a Naïm
Naïm a grandement contribué à la réussite de nos projets. . Ce fut un plaisir de travailler avec lui. Il maitrise a la perfection tous ses sujets, en effet il est responsable d'une des plus grande partie de nos plateformes et est chargé du développement frontend / backend / datas. J'ai rarement vue quelqu'un d'aussi polyvalent tant au niveau gestion de projet que technique.
Je le recommande très vivement !!
- EPITECH BAC +5Epitech2019Epitech teaches us to learn, that is to say that our curriculum enables us to learn new languages or technologies in a very short time. The requirement of this school and the significant workload imposed on us throughout our course allows me today to learn quickly all the technologies useful for the realization of your projects. __________________ THE SCHOOL OF INNOVATION AND COMPUTER EXPERTISE. Epitech is a computer school created in 1999 which, in 5 years after school, trains sector experts. It makes it possible to transform a passion into expertise via a resolutely innovative pedagogy, organized by projects. It is present in 13 cities in France and 4 cities in Europe. Epitech issues a title of Expert in Information Technology (Bac + 5), approved Level 1 by the State at the level of the National Commission for Professional Certification (CNCP).